
Self-Care at Christmas

Whether Christmas is part of your life, or it’s happening around you, it’s important to be kind to yourself and look after your wellbeing.

Below you will find some top tips on coping during the festive season.


Set your boundaries


It may be helpful to set boundaries during the Christmas period. This could include:

  • Setting a spending limit or budget
  • Saying no to activities that you don’t enjoy
  • Pacing yourself and having rests in between activities
  • Sharing your plans with people in advance


Plan ahead


We know sometimes things don’t go to plan, but by being prepared you may feel better. This could include:

  • Sticking to your routine as much as possible if you find it helps
  • Make a list of things that help you when you’re feeling overwhelmed and keep it with you
  • Make a list of any local services and their Christmas opening hours
  • Plan something nice to do after Christmas, so you have something to look forward to


Talk about your worries


Christmas can bring up mixed emotions for many people. You could share how you are feeling with others ahead of the festivities. This could include:

  • Letting people know if you’re struggling
  • Telling people how they can help you


Be kind to yourself


Remember to be kind to yourself. You matter, all year round, not just at Christmas. If you feel you need support, reach out. 


Sources of support


If you live in North East Essex, our Sanctuary will be open throughout the festive period. 

If you live in Mid Essex, please contact NHS 111 and select option 2 for mental health support.

If you feel your life is at risk, always call 999.


More information about coping at Christmas


National Mind have a section on their website all about Christmas. 

Visit the national Mind website.


National helplines


  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone). Their English language line is always open. They have a Welsh language line too, which is open daily from 7pm to 11pm.
  • Text SHOUT to 85258. This is a free 24/7 crisis text service run by Shout.


Contact us!
