
Top tips for moving more

So, you want to move more for your mental health, but getting started feels daunting. Don’t worry – you got this! Here you can find some top tips for getting started with physical activity.

Consider where you will exercise

Think about where you feel safe exercising – for some people this may be the gym, for others it could be outside in green spaces. Decide which environment you will find the most accessible and enjoyable for you to get started. You may start at home then decide to join a local club – it’s OK to change your mind. Wherever you start, make sure you’re comfortable.

Incorporate movement into your daily routine

There are lots of ways you can build movement into your daily routine. Have a little dance on the spot while you do the washing up. Walk about while you’re brushing your teeth. Get stretching on the sofa.

This fun video from We Are Undefeatable is a good watch to inspire you!

Go outdoors

Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Try gardening, or volunteer at a local green space. It’s a great way to get active and connect with nature.

Exercise for free

You may want to try before you buy! Many local parks have free outdoor gym equipment you can use, or you could join a walking group. Ramblers, parkrun, RunTalkRun and Run Together all organise free, inclusive local walking or running groups with trained volunteers.

Choose a buddy

Having someone by your side is a great motivator! Ask a friend of family member to be your buddy – you could try a local exercise class together or go for a swim.

Stay safe

If you live with a long term condition, whether a mental health problem or a physical condition, you need to think about how to exercise safely before you get started. Speak to your GP or a healthcare professional if you have any questions about exercising and physical activity.

Be kind to yourself – and realistic

It may take time for you to get used to exercising. Be kind to yourself and set reasonable goals so you can start slowly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint!

Any movement is good for you, no matter how small, so just getting started is fantastic.

You Got This!

We’re here to support you to move more, get active and improve your wellbeing.

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